Sabarmati Ashram

Sabarmati Ashram (Gujarati: સાબરમતી આશ્રમ also known as Gandhi Ashram, Harijan Ashram, or Satyagraha Ashram) is located in the Ahmedabad suburb of Sabarmati and on the western banks of the Sabarmati River. This was one of the residences of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. It was from there that he started the Dandi March in 1930.
The ashram was originally established in the Kochrab area of Ahmedabad in 1915. In 1917 it was shifted to the banks of Sabarmati river. Reasons for this shift included: he wanted to do some experiments in living (e.g. farming, animal husbandry, cow breeding, khadi and related constructive activities for which he was in search of this kind of barren land.) Mythologically, it was the ashram site of Dadhichi Rishi who had donated his bones for a righteous war; it is between a jail and a crematorium and he believed that a satyagrahi has invariably to go to either place. Gandhi said, "This is the right place for our activities to carry on the search for truth and develop fearlessness, for on one side are the iron bolts of the foreigners, and on the other the thunderbolts of Mother Nature."

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