Ashram activities

  1. Collecting, processing, preserving and displaying archival materials (writings, photographs, paintings, voice-records, films, personal clothes etc
  2. Microfilming, lamination and preservation of negatives
  3. Arranging exhibitions on aspects of Gandhi’s life, literature and activities
  4. Publication of the "Mahadevbhani Dairy," which chronicles the entire history of the Indian freedom struggle
  5. The Ashram Trust funds activities that include education for the visitor, the community and routine maintenance of the museum and its surrounding grounds
  6. Keeping contact with as well as helping and undertaking study and research in Gandhian thought and activities and publishing the results of such study and research and allied literature for the benefit of the people
  7. Observance in a suitable manner of occasions connected with Gandhi’s life
  8. Maintaining contact with the youth and student community and providing facilities to them for the study of Gandhian thought

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